Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Before Getting In Over My Head

I should say just who it is that I am, just what it is that I'm doing, and just where it is that I am. Well, most of this will come at a later date when I am in a bit clearer of a head space. For right now, as you see, I'm suffering from a mild state of dizziness and confusion linked to crossing multiple time zones in one fell swoop.

Suffice it to say that I'm in one of the nicest and quietest airports I have yet to grace with these four cheeks, that everyone seems calm, and that, having had a short massage and a long shower, it is high time to comfort myself with the twofer of a tequila shot and a beer before stinking myself up in the smoking lounge and stumbling onward toward my gate, in the waning hope of leaving one airport for the next.

This one's so nice, I might just make a habit of it (I have a particular affinity for conceiving, birthing, and adopting habits).

More later, whenever that time should come.

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