Monday, October 23, 2006


Well, I'm in New Zealand - been here about two weeks. And I promise to tell you all about it . . . soon . . . Til then, some fotos to float you . . .

So in order to get to places like this (and to sleep in between)

I take my Spaceship:

We've grown quite close. His name's:

I like to think it means "The King" Franish.

When we're driving I see a lot of animals:

and occasional glimpses of the Afterlife:

We go to beautiful places like Punakaiki

to see the Pancake Rocks:

and the virginal, pristine, deep blue waters of Lake Wombat:

(just kidding - this is Hawea, but there is a Lake Wombat)

He takes me through splendid places like Haast Pass, to see hundreds of falls:

We watch out for penguins along the way:

and finish the night off with a rainbow:

This one was named ROYGBV:

so at least they've got the ROY thing in common:

We close the day with a night cap (yes, he drinks lightly) and some water-boogeying:

You might ask yourself: has he lost it? Is he drunk?

No, neither. I just got shocked to shit by an electric fence today. The pic I was getting when I got shocked will be up soon - sure hope you like it. I think the line was meant for predators more than anything. That sucker sure had some juice. Camera came out fine - it just went straight down through my stomach, groin, loins, down my legs and OUT!

Oh, and I'm starving.

Love ya!

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